Saturday, March 13, 2010

and the beat goes on

I decided that this was as good a place as any to publish my poetry. So, here it will go. Here's a few from this school year.

The morning sun embraces all I see
as light pours forth o'er mountain peak and lake.
Once gray clouds part; night's darkness they forsake,
as colors burst and leap into the day.
The vibrant dance, in shades of orange and sea,
reflects each peak of mountain, ev'ry break.
The wonder of Creation revives me.
My ev'ning's weary fog at last gives way.

My breath, a pause of gratitude for Light,
a little prayer of praise for all I view,
now catches the cool hope of morning dew.
Despite the battered angst of worldly ways,
'tis this day's light that shatters dark of night.
Creation's pallet comforting my gaze.

An Italian sonnet to the sunrise

Chorale Sonnet

As one by one the singers each arrive
still chatting as they find their sections, four,
a noisy rush, their leader's words imbibe:
instructions swallowed as they gulp the score.
The struggle true, the effort one of love,
with skill and strength, determination thrives.
Desire and study, plus help from Above,
compose, create the anthem of their lives.
The voices fill the air with liquid sound
as polyphonic harmonies next blend.
'Though feet stay planted, hearts soar off the ground.
In unity of music, choir, and friends.
Becoming one in music's soul-felt drum,
Invoking Spirit as their voices thrum.

Life’s Chancy Encounters
—a Sestina by Kelley Paystrup

Far above the Influence
Of the world’s Happenstance
Leaving all to Circumstance
Brief encounters with Romance
We join in the Divine dance
Staking all on this Life’s chance

Passion, longing, rolls Life’s chance
Serendip’tous Influence
Tap out partners, Divine dance
Depending on such Happenstance
Ever searching for Romance
Leaving all to Circumstance

Leaving all to Circumstance
Roll the dice in this Life’s chance
Maybe we won’t find Romance
Far beyond its Influence
We shake our fist at Happenstance
Wallflowers in the Divine dance

Crushing toes, the Divine dance
Stumbles on through Circumstance
Snickering at Happenstance
Tired of waiting, Life’s chance
Rests far above the Influence
Of silly boys’ and girls’ Romance

Bright and soft, a new Romance
Joins two in the Divine dance
Fate controls the Influence
Leaving all to Circumstance
Two more dice thrown in Life’s chance
Is love much more than Happenstance

Journeys are such Happenstance
Sweetened or soured by Romance
Blindly we all take Life’s chance
Joining in the Divine dance
Leaving all to Circumstance
Far from heavn’ly Influence

Daily laughing, life’s chance lives by happenstance
Challenging Fate’s influence to gain romance
Stepping, divine dancing beyond circumstance

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School isn't finished yet . . . sigh

I want to get my classroom unpacked and get this going . . . all this twiddley thumbs stuff is frustrating.

I did get my page done with my syllabi and disclosures on it. if you want to look.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Had to share this one . . . goes with my sense of punniness

Winners of an annual New York Magazine contest were asked to take a well-known expression in a foreign language, change a single letter, and provide a definition for the new expression. Here are the winners:

Honk if you're Scottish.

Can you drive a French motorcycle?

We're wild and crazy guys!

I came, I'm a very important person, I conquered.

I think; therefore I am a waffle.

The cat is dead.

Life is feudal.

The king is dead. No kidding.

Death styles of the rich and famous.

Support your local clown (or politician, your call)

I am three years old.

Our cat has a boat.

Fast French food.

I came, I saw, I partied.

A fast retort.

Love; greetings; farewell; from such a pain you should never know.

Tons of luck.

Don't leave your chateau without it.

I'm bossy around here.

Seize the meat.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


wanted: fingers and toes
use: practice
result: loverliness
contact: Amy

wanted later: hair, faces, etc (cut, perm, and color models)

Of course . . . she is just learning. Meaning it takes a while to get it right.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

HOLE-IN-ONE... There were three gentlemen playing a friendly game of golf: Moses, Jesus, and an older man. They all step up to the green with a small pond on the one side by the hole. Moses says to Jesus, 'Would you like to go first?' Jesus declined and so Moses put his golf ball on the tee, swung his club with a 'swish' and the ball went flying towards the pond. but the waters of the pond parted and the ball rolled safely onto the other side of the green. '

Good Job,' Jesus said as he patted Moses on the back. Jesus then turned to the older man and said, 'Would you like to go?' The older gentleman politely refused and Jesus placed his ball on the tee. He swung his club with a 'swish' and the ball went soaring towards the pond. As it touched the water it skipped across to the green on the other side. 'Good Job,' the older man said as he patted Jesus on the back.

Now it was the older man's turn. He gently leaned down and placed his ball on the tee. He swung his club with a swish and the ball went soaring over the pond and landed safely on the other side of the green. About this time a squirrel decided it was hungry, so it scampered over to the ball, picked it up, and ran off towards its tree. An eagle swooped out of the sky an flew off with the squirrel. A large thunderstorm rumbled in from the east and lightening struck the eagle, which dropped the squirrel. And as the squirrel landed on green the ball rolled out of its paws and into the hole, making it a hole-in-one. Jesus walked up to the older man and said, 'Good job, Dad.'

Friday, June 6, 2008

Little present people at the wedding were bored. So they started stacking small rocks on a big rock just outside the reception door. Husband saw them and asked them what they were doing.

"We are finding all the rocks that spiders pooed on and putting them here so people will be safe."

My husband, holding back his laugh, told them good job. Small grandniece showed a rock to a small grand nephew in law---"This one I think a spider peed on."

"Good work," said small grand nephew in law very seriously. He then put that one on the very top of the pile.

Husband couldn't stand it any more and came inside to tell us what was going on so we could share his laugh.

When we left, the large rock had at least 30 small rocks stacked on top of it, even though the small present people were inside. I wonder what they will think at church on Sunday?

Also, Groom's name? Nick or Nicolas. But his real first name, which he has NEVER used? Herbert. Prominently displayed, framed, with their engagement photo, was one present saying, "Congratulations HERB and Lynette!" Understand that half of us never met the groom before today. However, don't assume the groom has a particular nickname. Check first or giggle later.

My niece Lynette did make a beautiful bride. I was touched by seeing the quilt Bessie made for Marisa there. I'm glad it will be Lynette's now. Marisa made her presence known in more than one way today.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Two suspicious essays.

One--did the internet search. Original work. But I'm sure it's his parents' original work. It is far too sophisticated for this student.

Two--did the internet search. Spark Notes. Beautiful, talented, intelligent, LAZY girl. She just earned a zero.

So what do I do with number one? Grade his parents? Tell them they get the good marks but their son doesn't?
